This application has both desktop and mobile versions and is good for collaboration between teams and you can record your session. In this article, I will show you how to install AnyDesk on Windows for remote ConnectionsĪnyDesk is compatible with platforms and operating systems like Windows, Linux, Mac OS, and others.
Kindly refer to these related guides: How to setup and configure Remote Desktop Services via Standard Deployment on Windows Server, Publish Remote Desktop Web Client: How to install HTML 5 Web Client for Microsoft RDS Server, and if you need a guide on Anydesk on Linux read this: How to install AnyDesk on a Linux Machine. AnyDesk is a Remote Desktop Application that you can use for teleworking and can be used by the IT Teams to resolve issues on staff or customer systems. With this application, you can control devices from anywhere in the world whether for personal purposes or for technical support. AnyDesk is one of the best and if not the best application you can use for connecting remotely to another computer.